United Way of Charlotte County 2019-2022 Strategic Plan
Transforming Local Lives
A strategic plan is like a roadmap outlining where we want to go and how we are going to get there. At United Way of Charlotte County (UWCC) our vision is a community where all citizens achieve their potential through education, financial stability, and healthy lives. In 2019, UWCC embarked on a strategic planning process to map out how we will mobilize the power of our community to reach our vision over the next 3 years.
Using the community priorities of Educational Success, Financial Stability, and Health & Well-being to guide our next steps and focus our funding dollars, we work to break the cycle of poverty in Charlotte County. We ask that you join us on this journey to develop solutions and create greater impact than any one institution can on its own.
Because change doesn't happen alone. (To access the full 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, click here.)
Community Goals
Priority Area 1: Educational Success
- Improve outcomes for babies born from mothers who use opioids.
- Improve outcomes for children through age 5 years living in toxic stress.
- Ensure comprehensive community kindergarten plan.
- Increase percentage of Charlotte County students reading at grade level by third grade with ultimate goal of 100%.
Priority Area 2: Financial Stability
- Improve outcomes for the individuals participating in programs for financial stability.
- Increase amount of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) dollars provided to families through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
- Increase access to additional resources for seniors served through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
- Increase number of chronic and vulnerable homeless* who access stable housing, health care, and financial stability. (*Chronic and vulnerable homeless definition = persons without income and without medical insurance)
Priority Area 3: Health and Well-being
- Increase stakeholder and agency awareness of the impacts of toxic stress on families.
- Increase awareness of and access to nutritional food sources.
Agency Goals
Goal 1: Engage our Community
Inspiring relationships with our donors, corporate partners, and volunteers increases commitment, participation, and revenue.
- Increase array of communication channels to report the results of our work.
- Provide highly personalized experiences so that our donors, corporate partners, and volunteers may best utilize their time, talent, and treasure.
Goal 2: Create Lasting Value and Impact
Convening our community partners to identify and solve complex social issues.
- Monitor progress of funded partners and drive evidence-based decision making by utilizing tools to measure success over time.
- Coordinate, align and streamline systems with an intergenerational approach that supports families through all life stages.
Goal 3: Provide Exceptional Leadership
Maintaining public trust and confidence as a high performing organization that is transforming local lives.
- Ensure appropriate internal capacity and effective processes.
- Utilize technology and community resources to support innovative business operations.
To access the full Strategic Plan, click here.