Workplace Giving
As we begin our 2022-2023 campaign season, it's important to know that we are still assisting you with employee campaigns. Your support and the support of your team strengthens our mission to break the cycle of poverty. As a community, we are all mobilizing ALICE and will continue to do so.
Here are some materials that can help you get started:
- Click here to get started and review the Virtual Campaign Toolkit
- Does my donation make an impact? 2021-2022 Impact Statement
- Where do my dollars go? 2022 Annual Financial Overview
- Click here to view 2021-2022 Campaign PowerPoint Presentation
- Who do you fund? Funded Partner Agency list
- Frequently Asked Questions - Myths
Ways for employees to participate:
- Click here to make your online gift.
- Fillable Investment Form
- Request paper pledge forms from UWCC staff
Give Help
When you give to United Way of Charlotte County, you are helping your friends, family, and neighbors. Your gift is combined with other gifts in the community to make the biggest impact.
- ALICE - Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
- Roadmap of Your Dollar - When you give, you give hope.
- Season of Sharing Impact
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Impact
- Grade-Level Reading Impact
- Kids Thrive Impact
- Ending Youth & Chronic Homelessness Impact
Get Help
We are here whether you are in a position to GIVE HELP or if you need to GET HELP.
- Charlotte County Resource Sheet 2022
- Do my employees qualify for VITA? Tax Assistance Information
The first step in planning your employee workplace campaign is to review the virtual campaign toolkit. Read it over and select the steps that apply to you. The other bullet points relate to frequently asked questions. Second, contact United Way of Charlotte County to coordinate messaging, content, and a campaign that is customized for your company.
Companies who committed to their Employee Campaign before the end of September are proudly recognized as a pacesetter. They will receive a company digital badge, two complimentary tickets to a VIP reception and special recognition at the Campaign Kickoff. Click here to learn more about becoming a pacesetter. If interested, apply here to commit to helping us have a successful 2022-2023 campaign.
Please know that we are here for you, working hard to support our community.
Perhaps you are all working from home, or, like us, rotating staff in the office. If you, your staff or someone you know is struggling, make sure they know help is available.