Who is ALICE?
ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) may be a relative or friend. You may be ALICE. As cashiers, waiters, child care providers, and other members of our essential workforce, ALICE earns just above the Federal Poverty Level but less than what it costs to make ends meet. These struggling households are forced to make impossible choices each day. While such hardship is pervasive, households of color are disproportionately ALICE.
With the cost of living higher than what most wages pay, ALICE families work hard and earn above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but do not earn enough to afford a basic household budget consisting of
- housing,
- child care,
- food,
- transportation and
- health care.
To read the recent ALICE column in the Charlotte Sun, click here.
ALICE in Florida
An update on financial hardship in Florida
United For ALICE calculates the household essentials cost for all Florida counties. These costs, outlined in the, are calculated for various household sizes and compositions. Household Survival Budget Of Florida's 8,800,279 households in 2022…
46% of households in Florida were (poverty + ALICE divided by total households)
In Charlotte County 32% of households (approximately 28,585 households)* fall into the category of ALICE, while another 11% of Charlotte County households live at Federal Poverty Level, meaning that close to half (42%) are struggling to meet basic needs.
ALICE in Charlotte County (articles from UWCC)
- Being a Lighthouse for Those in Our Community
- It’s Too Easy for Us to Ignore ALICE®
- What is ALICE®? Who is affected?
- United Way: Working poor represent 44% of population
United For ALICE @ Work (new resource)
Florida Trends January 2024 issue, Barely Getting By (new reading)
For more information or to find data about ALICE in local communities, visit www.UnitedForALICE.org/Florida.
For local data please visit the Community Indicators Dashboard from Community Foundation of Sarasota County.