Plant, Grow, Bloom

First 1,000 Days Suncoast Growing Across Region

by Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director – United Way of Charlotte County

If mustard seed-sized faith can move mountains, what could a mustard seed-sized commitment to the next generation do?

The parable of the mustard seed is appropriately one of the shorter parables in the Bible. It speaks to the comparison between the incredibly small size of the seed versus its growth potential when properly nurtured. This parallels the potential that is hidden inside the mind of a small child, but that potential must be unlocked through proper nurture just like the seed.

I sit on the Steering Committee for First 1,000 Days Suncoast, a partnership of over 85 organizations and a committee of parent leaders. We strive toward the shared purpose of creating a seamless network of free and affordable services to provide families with the support they need so every child can have a strong start in life. United Way of Charlotte County values and is invested in this work because we know how critical those early years are.

First 1,000 Days Suncoast has developed a framework that aims to ensure that women in our region will have access to prenatal care and supportive services. In time, we will see healthier pregnancies, families and children will be healthier and more resilient, and health inequities in pregnant women, infants and children in our region will be reduced. Having spent a portion of my career working with pregnant teens, I am keenly aware of how this noble goal has potential for multi-generational impact.

“The first 1,000 days of life are the most critical because it is within this timeframe when a baby’s social, behavioral and cognitive skills are blooming,” said Initiative Manager, Dr. Chelsea Arnold. Arnold added, “It is also important to note that 80% of brain development happens before a child's third birthday.”

One of the initiatives of First 1,000 Days Suncoast is The Basics text message program, where enrolled parents can receive text messages twice weekly that include brain-boosting activities for their child. These free exercises are based on five evidence-based parenting principles:

  • maximize love and manage stress
  • talk, sing and point
  • count, group and compare
  • explore through movement and play
  • read and discuss stories

These principles create a strong foundation in early childhood, so they are ready to learn, thrive and bloom. Families can sign up for The Basics at

First 1,000 Days Suncoast has launched their #PlantGrowBloom campaign to spread the word about the community resources available in our region, and to encourage parents and caregivers to take time each day to plant seeds in their child’s life. While reading a bedtime story or singing a song together in the car might not seem like much, it is like a mustard seed that has the potential to grow into something exponentially big and beautiful.

Families should also consider planting literal seeds. First 1,000 Days Suncoast is partnering with home visiting sites across the region over the next few weeks to provide grow kits to families. Parents and caregivers can use these kits to plant herb seeds with their children. This simple activity offers a variety of ways for families to connect and for children’s brains to grow.

Just like herbs, if you want a child’s mind to grow, you must first plant a seed.

Thank you to First 1,000 Days Suncoast partners for planting the seed and providing the “soil” to help babies blossom into resilient, healthy and happy children and adults. For more tips on regional resources for “growing” our youngest Charlotte County residents, follow First 1,000 Days Suncoast on social media or visit

For more information about United Way of Charlotte County’s mission:  Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty, please contact Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director. She can be reached at