Reimagining Women United

Strong Families Create Strong Communities

By Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director

A dear friend of mine, recently posed the question, “When was the last time someone, or a large group of someone’s surprised you?”  For me, it was last year in August for my 10th work anniversary party. Wonderful surprises kept happening to me all day long.  However, for this particular friend, the answer was at the 9th Annual Women United Lunch and that friend is none other than the 2025 Woman of Distinction, Kellie Dunson-Allen!

Who doesn’t love a good surprise? This was a really special moment as the lunch committee pulled off quite possibly the biggest surprise ever. Belinda Campbell dropped a few clues of who this woman is as a wife, a mother, and a passionate community leader, what she does with Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity and what she has accomplished at Deep Creek Community Church.  

Belinda stated “While this may come as a surprise to her, I’m certain it’s no surprise to any of us.  It is with great joy that we honor you today with the Woman of Distinction! Congratulations Kellie Dunson-Allen!” The room exploded with delight in applause and cheering!

The lunch inspired as both our Keynote Speaker, Kirsten Russell, Community Foundation Sarasota County and Women United Chair Julie Lang shared similar messaging regarding the focus on families which shapes our society. By investing in the whole family, we create a ripple effect. Strong families create strong communities.  Together, we can build a future where every family has the chance to reach their full potential. With these words, we empowered our 2025 Woman of Courage, Kathryne Sambucci.  For me this is truly a treasure and worthy of an entire column, so you will be hearing more about Kathryne in the upcoming weeks.

Julie Lang shared from her heart, “THIS YEAR we are reimagining Women United and we are building a community where all women and families can thrive. ALL WOMEN – regardless of age, job status, hobbies, or demographic.   Because – we ALL have something to share with one another, we have something to learn, something to teach, something to do.  You have something to share with me and I might have something to share with you.   We are creating a year full of programing where we lift each other up, network, and go deeper in a more holistic way – to grow in community for our community.”

During the lunch we introduced the 2025 WU Council: Belinda Campbell, Kelly Carr, Melissa Lee Shannon Vianello and Julie Lang.  Kristen Szych, United Way Charlotte County Development Director stated, “This year marks a fresh chapter, and I’m thrilled they are willing to share their commitment and passion with us which will help shape the future of Women United.”

While the actual lunch is just one afternoon, let’s make today and every day-count! It’s just the beginning of a year full of events that not only promote personal growth but strengthen our bonds as a community. We will have FUN with purpose.  Please join us for our first event scheduled for March 12th – The HOPEful Hour. Learn more about Women United version 2.0, join us as we inspire, educate and motivate.  Please visit:

For more information about United Way Charlotte County’s mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty, please contact Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director. She can be reached at