VITA: It's more than just taxes
By Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director
When I first started working at United Way of Charlotte County (UWCC) and heard about the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) program, it took some time to understand that we had a hit song! As I began to listen more closely, I was sold. A perfectly beautiful song harmonized in love for this community by the core group of volunteers who make it happen in concert every year --- over a four-month timeframe.
Once I caught the melody, I began to tell folks about it and yet it felt like a broken record. Do you remember vinyl records? Listening to them over and over again until they would break. Your favorite songs would begin skipping in place. I know this may sound like that old broken vinyl record, but just hear me out.
You see, everyone needs to know about VITA, but it is challenging to get the word out. We have a tremendous following among seniors for this service and yet we know that there are more in our community that could benefit such as individuals and families. Everywhere we go, we repeat the same message and this time it seems we had the perfect promotional set up, a timely drop date, and the word is out!
As the tax season began, we set a lofty goal and were not sure we could do it. The volunteers were not sure, and we knew it would require a significant coordination of efforts. Build it and they will come. Over the last several years, the UWCC team has been growing the capacity to serve the community through VITA and it does take a whole music production team - a director, equipment, phone systems, buildings, volunteers and food to nourish them. This year felt like the first year we were able to fully serve after the difficulties of the pandemic and Hurricane Ian and as well in hiring our Ageless Engagement Director, Gail McKee, we were ready to go.
Gail McKee, Ageless Engagement Director said, “This is my first year working with the wonderful VITA volunteers. It was my pleasure to work with this remarkable team consisting of only 41 people. You fielded 1,528 phone calls and in total a staggering 4,208 volunteer hours. The returns accepted to date per the IRS, drum roll please… is a record breaking 1,100. Our goal was 1,000 tax returns. This results in a Total Economic Impact to the Community of platinum level $1,317,559. I applaud you and thank you for a season well done.”
VITA Volunteer Karen shared, “Taxes are pretty confusing to most folks, and we can ease that burden. I enjoyed talking with the clients during the process. I even got some great restaurant tips, book titles, etc. I’m happy that I’m able to give back.”
It’s more than just taxes, as volunteer Nancy describes. “VITA has a life changing impact on people of all ages. It is remarkable how many individuals and families make ends meet on a very minimal income. VITA offers hope, a light at the end of a dark tunnel. It means a lot to me that I am able to help others.”
At the end of this season, a young mom with minimal income, who never filed taxes in the past, came in for an appointment. The volunteer was determined to help this mom get through as many years of taxes as possible. Down to the wire, the volunteer was working as fast as she could and was able to help file three years of taxes. This young mom was thrilled when she left with a refund that could change her living situation for her and her child! The mom is set to receive a refund of $12,000! Do you think this mom was glad that someone told her about this song? Whoever referred this mom to VITA may have listened to that broken record many times. But that song changed a life and all the mom wanted to do was buy a new pair of shoes for her son.
We can accomplish great things together and we’d love for you to consider volunteering with us. We begin training in November 2024, please
contact Gail McKee at 941-627-3539 or email if interested. If you want to see the complete impact, or other VITA information, visit:
For more information about United Way of Charlotte County’s mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty, please contact Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director. She can be reached at