United at Work Fund


United at Work is a program designed to mobilize resources and help strengthen Charlotte County’s workforce by providing referrals to community services and assistance with personal financial emergencies to employees of participating business. Connect with The United Way of Charlotte County confidentially through the application below. We will assess your unique circumstances and identify the best way to help.


United at Work Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Must have exhausted all other community resources. 
  2. Employed in Charlotte County
  3. Must have been directly and significantly affected by a disaster, such as hurricane, flood, or fire.
  4. Demonstrate substantial financial impact from the disaster that affects their ability to maintain stability. Examples include prolonged income loss, housing instability, or essential expenses that cannot be met. (documentation required)


After you complete the form below, you will be contacted by a case worker who will work to connect you with essential resources and funds, as appropriate.

We ask that you please be patient and only submit one application per qualified disaster. 

Case workers are assigned to cases based on the urgency of the crisis and not on a first-come-first-serve basis.


United at Work is a fund created to support the Charlotte County workforce. For individuals who are employed outside of Charlotte County, please reach out to your local United Way or United Way of Florida.


Upload requirements
United at Work Form
Head of Household
Additional household members
Adult #2
Adult #3
Child #1
Child #2
Child #3
Child #4
Child #5
Child #6
Request for Assistance
What type of assistance do you need? (check all that apply)
Upload requirements
Upload requirements

By clicking submit, I acknowledge that:

  • All information I have provided above is truthful and accurate;
  • I may be required to submit supporting documents as necessary;
  • All information provided will be verified and kept in a confidential database. 

You are serving our community during this crisis, and this community wants to serve you.

United Way of Charlotte County has partnered with the Elsa & Peter Soderberg Charitable Foundation to provide emergency assistance to victims of disaster who are employed in Charlotte County.

Please note the information provided in this form will be kept confidential.
