Thursday, February 13, 2025
LOCATION: TT's Tikki at Four Points Sheraton 11:30-1:30pm
Tickets are now on sale, please click here.
We invite you to be a pivotal part of this transformative event! It is a vibrant celebration of the remarkable contributions that local women make to our community. Picture this: a lively gathering of passionate individuals coming together to honor the Woman of Distinction and Woman of Courage. We would love to have your support in making this event a success!
We are excited to share with you that our Keynote Speaker for the 9th Annual Women United Lunch is Kirsten Russell, Vice President Community Impact - Community Foundation of Sarasota County.
She is passionate about the two generational approach (2Gen) that we take with our Circle of Parents. Save the date for Thursday, February 13, 2025. Tickets and Sponsorships are available today, click here.
Resilience of Women in Our Community. Inspire, Empower, Transform: Celebrating the Strength and
The 8th annual Women United lunch hosted by the United Way of Charlotte County (UWCC) took place this week after months of meticulous planning led by Jill Swan, the Family Empowerment Director, and her dedicated committee. The event showcased the announcement of the Woman of Courage and Woman of Distinction, with their intersecting lives and inspiring stories shared among a room full of compassionate women.
In tradition, our Woman of Courage tells her story, the real story, not often told, the one that rests within the protected walls of her heart, clamoring to be expressed and needing to be heard. Hearing this story each year is intended to be a cathartic “hear me roar” moment for the woman of courage, reframing their trauma to a charge for the future. But it is also intended to spur action among those who hear the story.
As Brianne Edmundson shared her journey with trauma and addiction, she claimed, “This didn't just start with me. Most of the time it doesn't start with us as children. In the beginning, as toddlers, we don't know what's right and wrong, or who's black and white, what's bad and good, or even what manners are. It's our parents or our caretakers that are supposed to teach us love and everything we know…. Unfortunately, a lot of us don't get to learn that stuff.” Every single person attending the lunch honored her with their listening ear. We listened for the walking angels and the missed opportunities, of which there were many.
Just as the room didn’t know what to do with their emotions after hearing from Brianne Edmundson the 2024 Woman of Courage, the announcement for the 2024 Woman of Distinction was to be announced. Kelly J. Evans of Smugglers Enterprises & Foundation was recognized for her years of commitment and investment to not only the staff she employs but to the many philanthropic investments of the Foundation. Kelly was also scheduled as the keynote speaker and she actually did not know she would be receiving the award. Her keynote message at the lunch, left each of us hungry for what makes this big-hearted woman tick, captivated us with her compassion, lived experience, and her love for our community.
To read the full column in the Charlotte Sun, click here.
2025 Sponsors
Empower Sponsors
Kim Amontree
Charlotte County School Board Member
Matthew Bagan D.O.
Board Certified General Surgeon
The 2025 Women United Luncheon Committee includes:
Event Chair: Julie Lang
Committee members:
Kelly Carr, Belinda Campbell, Shannon Vianello, and Melissa Lee
United Way: Kristen Szych