Our Story
Transforming local lives through the power of philanthropy
United Way of Charlotte County brings together local agencies, corporations, donors, volunteers, and government to create lasting social change. Our work and our investments stay right here, supporting thousands of people every year. We strategically invest in, partner with, and mobilize local community partners to solve the most complex social issues.
Our Work
Every day, people across our community struggle to build better lives for themselves and their families. These struggles are fueled by serious social and economic barriers which make getting ahead difficult and threaten the strong social fabric that is vital to individual, family, and community well-being. One singular issue does not lead someone to poverty or ALICE. There exists a connection to and need for quality education, stable, decent housing, a living wage job, reliable transportation, affordable child care, financial stability and access to quality health care.
We prioritize support for agencies that are collaborating and incorporating an intergenerational approach to their work, which focuses on creating opportunities for and addressing needs of both children and the adults in their lives. Evidence-based programs and practices with outcomes that measure change over time will be emphasized. The promise of this comprehensive approach is economic security that passes from one generation to the next. Aging seniors, a large portion of the population of Charlotte County, require a multitude of services, so identifying the gaps and equipping our community with the capacity to serve this group is also crucial.
By mobilizing the power of our community partners, we are building a connected network of resources to be accessed when people need them most.
Donor Privacy Policy
This privacy policy discloses the privacy practices for http://www.unitedwayccfl.org/. This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by this web site. Click here to view.
Anti-Terror Compliance Guidance
To simplify the requirements of local United Ways for anti-terrorism compliance, United Ways may use a service provided by GuideStar to verify agencies against the IRS database of approved charities and the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) list maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury. We believe this service constitutes a reasonable level of diligence in light of the business activities of United Ways.
United Ways that use the GuideStar service are not required to collect an Anti-Terror Certification from funded agencies. Please contact GuideStar directly with any questions you have about the service. GuideStar offers United Ways a discount on the service; details here.
In the event your United Way does not wish to subscribe to this service, you may continue to conduct the screening and certification processes as set forth below. We believe these steps represent appropriate due diligence for United Ways managing this compliance entirely in-house.
- Annually screen all agencies, partner and designated, against the OFAC list maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury. This list includes the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and the Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL).
- Annually obtain from all agencies, partner and designated, a certification stating that United Way funds and donations will be used in compliance with all applicable anti-terrorism financing and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders. Certification form posted below.
- United Way organizations are not required to be screened. UWW will conduct that screening as part of the annual membership certification process.
- These guidelines do not apply to the distribution of Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) funds. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is responsible for conducting the compliance required for participation in that campaign.
- Organizations participating in the CFC campaign do not need to be further screened to participate in or receive money from a CFC campaign where the PCFO is a United Way. Those agencies are screened annually by OPM for CFC purposes. However, if those same agencies are designated through a United Way campaign, the United Way must screen them separately.
- In order to be eligible to receive funding by or through a United Way organization (except for CFC funds), an agency must complete the Certification.
- The date(s) of screening and certificates should be maintained for verification purposes.
- United Ways making distributions or allocations outside of the United States must comply with the Treasury Guidelines for international grant makers.